Dave Ramsey Offers Advice to Families Facing Economic Hardships amid COVID-19 Pandemic

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Tonight, Dave Ramsey will lead a virtual event based on proven principles from Financial Peace University – the tried and true personal finance course that has helped nearly 6 million people get out of debt, save money and build wealth over the last 25 years. Recently, Dave provided Christian Headlines an interview and offered a look into what the virtual event will entail. For Dave Ramsey and the Ramsey team, they have been clear that people of faith will get through the tough season that American’s may find themselves in.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

What advice would you give to families who may feel hopeless in what is happening financially to them?

Dave Ramsey: This too shall pass. I’ve been doing this a long time – through 9/11, through the financial crisis of 2008, and now this horrible virus, and here’s what I’ve learned: Americans are both resilient and rebellious. We are going to get through this. You just need a plan. So, start by looking at the facts. Fear is never a great…

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